Fees & Funding
2024/25 Academic Year


Registration Fee ....................................................................... £100

Full-time Place ....................................................................£4,985 per term

Mornings only ..................................................................... £2,892 per term

Afternoons only .................................................................... £2,392 per term

Occasional Sessions

Please note that occasional sessions are subject to availability and only offered to those children that attend either 5 full mornings or 5 full afternoons per week.

Full Day ..................................................................................... £95

Mornings .................................................................................... £56

Lunch only ................................................................................. £25

Afternoons.................................................................................. £46

Optional Classes

Yoga........................................................................................ £155 per term

Music....................................................................................... £155 per term

Gymnastics.............................................................................. £155 per term

French .................................................................................... £155 per term

Drama...................................................................................... £155 per term

Violin...................................................................................... £155 per term

Computer.................................................................................£165 per term

Ballet ....................................................................................... £175 per term

Fees do not include specialist visiting teachers, school minibus, excursions, or catering.


The government / local authority offer various schemes of financial assistance which can make a valuable contribution to the cost of our Montessori Educational Programme at Little Sweethearts.

We accept all categories of funding that are available.

Early Years Funding

  • Up to 15 hours universal entitlement available to ALL 3 and 4 year olds

  • Up to an additional 15 hours funding (30 hours in total) for eligible 3 and 4 year olds

  • Up to 15 hours funding for eligible 2 year olds

  • Up to 15 hours funding for eligible 9 month to 2 year olds

Tax-Free Childcare

You can claim up to £500 every 3 months (up to £2,000 a year) for each of your children to help with the costs of childcare. This goes up to £1,000 every 3 months if a child is disabled (up to £4,000 a year).

Company funded childcare

We accept payment through various schemes that are provided by some companies to assist their employees with nursery education. Enjoy Benefits is one such scheme.

VAT is not payable

As we are on the Early Years Register which includes children up to the age of five VAT is not payable on our school fees.

Please Contact Us.

We offer regular visits to parents wishing to view the school. Please telephone us on 07973 508 511 or email us at info@littlesweethearts.co.uk to arrange a visit.

And if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us - you may alternatively complete the form below to request further information.